Terms of Use

In order to display recommendations with PeecAI, a certain number of data and a certain period of time are required.

We would appreciate it if you could confirm your store’s conditions before using PeecAI.

1. Examples of Conditions for Achieving Results

*Measurement Period: 3 Months

PeecAI was released August 2022. Since then, it has been installed by so many various types of companies.

There’s some examples of successful cases include data such as:

For companies with a scale of $2000 or more in monthly revenue, approximately 80% of the brands achieved sales (at least 1 to 3 orders per month) exceeding the monthly billing ($29) from the first month.

Additionally, for some companies, the sales generated through recommendations accounted for approximately 1.2% of the total sales.

PeecAI will offer good deals for

2. Examples of Unsuccessful Cases

Brands whose monthly revenue of $6700 or less. In that case, there was a 90% probability of resulting in a deficit state or ±0 sales.

Factors for Unsuccessful Results

*Since cases like the above often result in no success, even if you have installed it, we recommend not starting usage in such cases.